Funds in Human Rights

Sleep Out LATAM Fund
1 nonprofit
Sleep Out LATAM Fund
The Sleep Out is an annual fundraiser for the Covenant House to raise critical lifesaving funds to give kids safe shelter and opportunity, and unite your community against youth homelessness The Sleep Out is not about pretending to be homeless. We Sleep Out to show our solidarity with those who are homeless and to let the world know about the ever-growing population of young people who face homelessness. There's more to Sleep Out than a night without a mattress. Sleep Out raises critical funds to help Covenant House provide 24/7 shelter, sanctuary, and support to youth overcoming homelessness. During the Sleep Out, participants are asked to give up their beds for one night. The evening begins with a program highlighting the journeys of youth who have been or are currently part of the Covenant House. Staff provides overview of the many programs and services that the Covenant House provides. Teams are celebrated for their fundraising milestones. At the end of the program, participants (otherwise known as "Sleepers") adjourn outside for the Sleep Out. Once outside, Sleepers use only a piece of cardboard and a sleeping bag for the night. In the morning, it's a time of reflection and shared community. Teams come together in the morning virtually to share their key take-aways and experiences. As a Sleeper, you are a fundraiser and advocate helping to keep the lights on and the doors open for young people seeking shelter. And your night of solidarity sends a powerful message to our youth that they are not alone.
2021 Juneteenth Fund
6 nonprofits
2021 Juneteenth Fund
On June 19, 1865 -- a full two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued -- news of the end of slavery finally reached Texas. Since then, Juneteenth, also known as Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day, has become a time to recognize and celebrate the culture, contributions, and achievements of African Americans. Early celebrations often served a dual purpose as political rallies to give voting instructions to newly freed enslaved peoples. However, in the early 20th century, economic and political forces led to a decline in Juneteenth celebrations due to state laws and amendments being passed that disenfranchised Black people and excluded them from voting, such as the Jim Crow laws. The Civil Rights Movement re-invigorated the holiday. Last year, in the midst of several high-profile deaths of Black men at the hands of police, Juneteenth started to become more widely known and its significance particularly important. Systemic racism continues to plague the United States, and the struggle for true Black liberation continues to this day. This Juneteenth, join us in supporting organizations that continue to work on dismantling white supremacy and eliminating systemic racism. The 2021 Juneteenth Fund is composed of nonprofits with missions that address these complex, pervasive relics of oppression through education, policy, advocacy, and access to quality healthcare and other direct services.